I know I already kind of touched on this family, but that was a different post. This one is all about this gorgeous family. If you’re a photographer, trying to photograph another photographer, that time is very limited, and hard to come by. Hence why it took me so long to get photos of Brooke McDougal, of Brooke Aliceon Photography. She has done our wedding photos, directed me in musicals, acted with me, and become a very close friend. So when she decided to let me take her family photos, I was ecstatic! The only problem was that her little ones, Jude and Joelle, were having none of that. They’re 3 and a half and 2 and a half, so they’re a little on the crazy side. Add in Gramcracker and Gigi (the grandmothers), and we had a blast…..kinda? Haha. Getting these two to pay attention is like trying to herd cats. IMPOSSIBLE. My husband had a grand ‘ole time trying to get their attention, and there’s even a great video about Brooke and Sean here. It’s a little insane. But either way, we had a blast!
And Brooke and Sean’s couple photos were featured on Knotsvilla! How cool is that?!

Mother – Daughter love!
You can see why the kids are so silly!
Can’t forget Mother-Son!
It’s hard to believe these beautiful ladies are grandmothers!
And here’s the McDougal Clan!
Gorgeous Mama!
And the gorgeous parents!